Wednesday 3 November 2010

The process of electronic media used

In media class we have been using certain electronic media to make our work easier.
Stuff like...
Flash/Jumpdrives to save information  so you can do work wherever you go.
Photoshop used to manipulate pictures/posters so you can do stuff like create magazine  cover pages
Camera to take pictures
I photo to manage your different photos or images

Macs to surf the internet and find information or do work  and post them unto your blogs.

  1. First we flat planned out ideas for the cover and content page
  2. Then we collected all materials and information needed which we saved on Flash drives or unto the Macs
  3. We then used 'photoshop' to create the layout and add text of both our cover and content pages
  4. Then we used iphoto to upload photos from our cameras or flash drives onto the Mac and open through photoshop.
  5. Finally we did our finishing touches and saved as a JPEG file that can be uploaded onto our blogs.

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