Friday 24 September 2010

What I Have been doing in Media Class

So far in class we have been analyzing music magazines, focusing on the target audience.  We tried to see who is the the target audience and why they are the target audience.  Unfortunately I had to observe the   female teen based magazine called Top Of The Pops.  Here is the masthead:

From my content analysis i observed a lot about the target audience.  Based on my observations and my research i can tell that the "Top of the Pops " magazine is  most likely targeted towards female teenagers who are only interested in image. They most likely listen to pop songs and watch movies  as hobbies.  In the  magazine I have seen very little black people which states that the target audience is mostly white.   Disney Channel and 'Sanitary Towels and Tampon' advertisements prove that the age of the audience ranges from as young as 8  to as old as 18 years.  Most likely students would read these kind of magazines.  The country of the target audience may vary from  the UK and the USA.  These girls seem to be aspired and motivated only about fame, males and good looks.  Here are some images of the target audience:

 We can say this based on the colour, font and the freebies in the magazine. Also because of the type of advertisements and features in the magazine.  The bright, feminine colours and the images of young muscular men with they're shirts off back up this theory. 

 Almost all the advertisements are about women beauty and cosmetics. Almost all the features are talking about the looks of men from a woman's point of view and also interesting information about female stars' relationships, a typical teenage girls 'topic of discussion.  The competitions are all about information about popstars.  And the stickers are all feminine with hearts ,pictures of boys and the names of boys in a bright feminine colour.Advertising takes up 6 and 3 quarter pages and the features take up 28 pages. The second part of the lesson dealt with usage and gratification.  The evidence showed me that audience reads this magazine for four main reasons...Diversion: a form of escape or release from everyday pressure..Personal Identity:the ability to compare ones own life with another from the magazine...Personal : companionship through identification with characters and discussing with other people...and Surveillance: information on what goes on in the world.

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