Wednesday 3 November 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation/Analysis

 For our preliminary task we had to create  a cover  page and content page of an Arts Magazine.
Because it is an  children art magazine I thought I should use an artistic, cartoon-like font and also bright, uplifting colours that would bring out the brilliance of the images. The target audience is mainly children who have a keen interest in different arts from about the age of 6-15.  That is why I used bright colours the attract them. Even the extras like the free colour pencils,games etc will most likely attract the target audience. For the front cover I used a designed photograph of a dance group doing a routine in class because I liked the idea of mixing different 'arts' , like dancing, computer graphics and visual arts together in one picture; it would bring out the focus of the magazine which is arts. And for the Contents Page I used photographs of actual artwork.

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