Wednesday 17 November 2010

My Music Magazine Planning and Cover and Content Page Draft

This is what I have so far for my Music magazine 'PULSE'.  It is only the draft he photographs and the images a missing for I will take them over the weekend.  Its a Hip Hop Magazine. 
 THE TARGET AUDIENCE are teenagers or young adults ages ranges from about 14-30.  It is mixed gender but mostly men exactly like the present hip hop industry.  The target and actual audience if mostly black people.
I chose THE NAME Pulse because personally when I listen to music my mood changes  so calm that I can hear my own pulse and I think music comes from the heart.
For THE FONT I decided to use a graffiti type font because that is what hip hop artist like or do.I chose the colour scheme based on the fact that blue is a calm and cool colour but yet it is represented as fire burning from the heart.

 In class we were asked to take  our own pictures to represent an UPCOMING ARTIST in out 2 page Spread which will be coming later into the month. I plan on taking my pictures of a local rapper called creeper tomorrow for the Content Page and the 2 Page Spread and take a picture of a friend for the cover Page.

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