Friday 30 December 2011

Evaluation Question 1)

In what ways  does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

My music magazine,'Pulse' is a hip hop/ urban type magazine.  Inside you will find articles, interviews of of famous and soon to be famous Hip Hop artists.  In the contents you will find exciting features such as news and gossip about different artists. You will also find information of song/album information and new releases and dates.  You can see that the Hip Hop culture is embedded within the magazine.  The evidence can be shown through the graphology such as the images and text, I did this based on the Demographics and Psychographics information that I learned in class.  The images represented the Hip Hop culture the most. Like the picture of the rapper i used in the magazine below:
This magazine is different to other magazines because it is multicultural and multi gender is found in it.  What I did to make my magazine more interesting was taking ideas from many different magazines and mixing it together. 

My main motivator was the vibe magazine: 
Many Ideas was from Vibe such as the layout even though it was slightly different.  The main artist was located in the center on a chair .The masthead is above him with text located around him the text gives a preview of what is going to be in the magazine.  It plays the roll if a mini content page on the front page. 

The Barcode
The Barcode is found on every music magazine in the the media industry located on the front cover.  This shows that the magazine is able to be bought/purchased.  Pulse magazine costs £2 which is affordable for the target audience which is pocket money for teenagers 15 and up.

The Strapline
The strap line found on other music magazine gives us important information of the music magazine.'PULSE' informs the readers that it is a special anniversary Issue.

The Masthead
The masthead gives the readers of the magazine a general feel of the music magazine by use of colour, font and style.  'PULSE' colour was kept consist with the colour scheme of the whole magazine made with a font the complements the heart around the main image and also the name 'pulse'.

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