Friday 28 January 2011

Evaluation Question 7)

Who would be the audience  for your music magazine?

My Target audience would be teenagers or young adults from about ages 14 up.  Stereotypically, the audience will most likely be from a black culture; the gangster type wearing bandanas and du-rags wearing the there pants below there bottoms.  Society see these 'gangster' negative people.  Of coarse these people are most likely to listen to Hip hop/rap but in reality anyone can listen to this genre, people you wouldn't expect like White middle age females may listen to rap although it would be rare. But nowadays this generation of children seem to know all the new Hip Hop songs and a now taking on the american gangster lifestyle.  There are now white children as young as 6 years old singing along to these songs making there own mini-gangs etc. But really and truly everything is based on the lyrics said in the songs because there are some people that listen to christian rap songs.  Some people just like the hear the beat or instrumental, some people like to hear the lyrics  and some people just support the artist making the song because they are drawn towards the reason why the song is made like the pain the rappers had while growing up having a lot of problems such as death and poverty.  So it is natural for some people to have sympathy and to be interested in fact that they grew up so poor and now they are the richest people in the world and they appreciate the fact that they  are doing what they love and the more time they spend in the studio the less time in the streets. So after all this evidence it should be clear that anyone in the world can be the audience to my music magazine; Rich or poor, black or white, male or female. And that is why the price to the music magazine is so affordable for people that do not have much money
For further information of  target audience look earlier into my blog for the research and planning

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