Friday 30 December 2011

Evaluation Question 3)

What kind of institution might distribute your magazine and why?

My music magazine would belong in a media instituation that focuses mainly on music in the media, in stores that distribute music, such as  HMV as this is a big company in the market and in local shops such as news agents, i would make sure that my magazine got sold in shops nearer colleges and work places, therefore being able to reach my target audience without them going out of there way to search for it.I would need it to be promoted first, which costs money, for it to be edited and produced, which will cost more money, and unless somebody has that money to support their product, then i would suggests becoming part of one of the publishing business, i would also choose this option as then a bigger company will have more links, so your magazine will be more likely to get sold in more shops. Or maybe are more specific institution might like my business which focuses on Hip Hop.

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