Friday 30 December 2011

Evaluation Question 4)

How did you attract/address your target audience
With the colours in my magazine i related these to my target audience by not using  "cool" colours, i used bold and strong colours, this relates to my target audience as at the age of 15-25 you are just identifying what makes you, you, so this is what makes them as a person and finding what makes them stand out as an individual. Like A Pulse
This is also quite similar to the fonts i used, i would say i used quite mature fonts and kept the same fonts consistant throughout my magazine. They want that Hip Hop Graffiti kind of style but still plain.
The images i used also related to my target audience as i tried to dress the people in the images as close to what "Hip Hop" people would wear, such as the Baggy Short Jeans in my front cover, this type of clothing is cool, as everyone tries to be unigue with what they wear, i displayed this in my images.
I wanted my readers to be able to relate to the language i used throughout my magazine, people in college and generally young people do not tend to be sophisticated, and tend to talk to each other in an informal way, so to get them to relate with my magazine i used informal language as if i was actually talking to them using some slangs.

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