Friday 30 December 2011

Evaluation Question 6)

Looking back and you preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learn in progression from it to the full product.
I feel I have learnt a lot since I started at the preliminary task up until now, I feel I demonstrated a lot of creativity within my media product by using original images, editing them to how I like them, the layout of my magazine in my own way to make it suit my personal target audience, the specific colour of the fonts, and the fonts that I used, I feel they portrayed my target audience to a good standard. I also think that most of my ideas were original, although I did get some inspiration off of Vibe magazine, as I wanted my magazine to be quite similar to this type of magazine, although everything I wrote in my media product were all my own words, and again all images were mine, so all material was original. When it came to the technology part, at the start I had a bit of difficulty but as the time went on I found myself getting better and better until I was able to use all programmes quite fluently. With the photography, planning my shots was not a problem but I do not feel that I gave myself enough time to take my shots and create them exactly how I wanted them, working more on the production of the magazine itself and putting everything together, although in the end I was quite pleased with the shots that I did achieve. I found that putting lots of colours into my magazine seemed confusing to look at and made it harder to read, which led me to only using 3 colours which were black white and blue keeping my palette limited, these were bold colours that stand out to a person, so would be good to attract attention, also with the bold colours reflecting onto my audience as being bold characters. When using fonts, I learned not to go too over the top, but not to get a font that is unnoticeable, as I found that having a font that was a bit outstanding helped in order of recognition, that's why I chose to have a font specific to the name and a font that is bold and noticeable, whereas before I had done this task, I would of used a boring font because I wouldn't of thought that it was that important to the whole magazine. Before I had started this task I did not know anything about writing articles, I had read them before but never really thought about writing them, I tried a few times before I actually wrote out my  article/interview that would go into my media product, I used other magazines as inspiration for questions but did not use their questions exactly, it took me a few times before I was able to write my own, and before I would have thought that it was pretty easy but when it comes down to it, it is not easy, and that is what I have to keep in mind for next time. I feel more professional while doing this now.

Overall I have learnt a lot since the beginning of this project, and it has helped me an immense amount for if. When I ever have to do this again.

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