Friday 30 December 2011

Evaluation Question 5)

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
When we first started this project i thought to myself it would be really easy to use programmes such as photoshop and Pages and as the project started, it got more and more confusing, until i finally got the hang of it, on Photoshop it was all about the layers and what image was on top of what text, normally while editing pictures i would use a programme such as powerpoint, but as this was not allowed for most images i had to use  photoshop which was difficult. Towards the end i got the hang of using these programmes more fluently, it became easier to edit images and place things on top of each other, cut things out and use different texts provided. I have learnt that i should not underestimate programmes thinking that i am good at using them, until it actually comes down to using it and i practically know nothing, i am now able to edit images to whatever i want them to look like and am able to control more than one thing on Photoshop at the same time without messing another layer or piece of information up. 

In photoshop I have learned different stuff like adding effects, changing 
colors,changing and designing fonts.I learned how to screen grab to take pictures of what is visible on the screen.  I     used this technique  to get the following pictures of photoshop:

Changing the color of text..
Changing the Font of Text
A black work sheet

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